
外國學生招生簡章, 外國學生招生訊息


  • 本校112學年度(2023秋季班暨2024春季班)外國學生申請入學招生簡章,原中文版第4、5頁財力證明金額修正,原英文版第4、48頁財力證明金額修正為 : 須出具由銀行提出足夠在臺就學之銀行帳戶存款金額至少美金2,500元以上或新台幣75,000元以上之證明或政府、本校或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明。
  • 勘誤表 :
頁數與修改項目 修正後(紅字) 原文(藍字)


財力證明基準及其他相關事項:須出具由銀行提出足夠在臺就學之銀行帳戶存款金額至少美金2,500元以上或新台幣75,000元以上之證明或政府、本校或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明。 財力證明基準及其他相關事項:須出具由銀行提出足夠在臺就學之銀行帳戶存款金額至少美金4,000元以上或新台幣120,000元以上之證明或政府、本校或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明。
Pages and  Corrigendum Items Amendment  (Red) Original  (Blue)
Amendment of the amount on pages 4 and 48 in the English version.


Statement of financial condition issued by a bank or a scholarship certification.

The applicant must ask the financial institution(s) to present written evidence(s) showing the applicant has a total of at least US$2,500 orNT$75,000 in his/her account(s).

Statement of financial condition issued by a bank or a scholarship certification.

The applicant must ask the financial institution(s) to present written evidence(s) showing the applicant has a total of at least US$4,000 orNT$120,000 in his/her account(s).

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